The beginning of every year is marked with annual traditions that celebrate the DAKS Family. One of the most significant markers of the start of the year is when each team member is given the DAKS Diary. 

The DAKS Diary is a yearly tradition that caricatures the DAKS team and recall moments that discerned the year. Each month is marked with stories from the year gone by. These are stories of strength, resilience and adaptability that the team showcased when challenges were thrown their way. 

These stories are interspersed with anecdotes and sketches that capture the spirit of our team and reminisce the calm amidst the chaos. It is an ode to our family and the milestones they achieved. 

Theme for 2019 – The DAKS Tantra 

Much like the famous tales of Panchtantra, we have our own storytelling style we call DAKS-Tantra.

Daks-Tantra : Think 

The first four months were when we applied ourselves to the challenges that were thrown our way. We were mindful and compelled to never settle for mediocrity because how we do anything is how we do everything. 

DAKS-Tantra : Evolve 

As thought processes are aligned, ideas evolve into concrete innovations. May through August we saw various members of the team, young and old, solve problems by way of intensive planning and quick execution. Members of our senior executive team, with the heart of a poet and integrity of a soldier 

DAKS-Tantra : Perform 

Come September, Orion itself guided our team to discover and live their full potential. October captured the determination and spirit of our younger team members who lead with a smile. November through December, we sat back, reflected and planned for the new decade. 

Our team is the heart and soul of DAKS. It is our proud privilege to call our community a family.

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